Features of the modern Russian consumer (on the example of the youth of Vladivostok)

  • Konopleva N.A.

    Nina A. Konopleva. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Elena O. Rybas

    Elena O. Rybas. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. New developments in Russia's politics, culture and economy are bringing about constant changes in the consumer market, needs and demands. Therefore, service industry professionals have to adjust to the fluid environment they operate in, which calls for ongoing research
of customer needs and behaviors. The paper not only provides updates of customer needs, but also describes the psychological image of modern consumers and identifies consumer types. The findings of the research may help to ensure higher competitiveness of service industry organizations, to better motivate consumers, and build customer loyalty.
Keywords: consumer, consumer typology, motivational and need sphere, "rub" of the modern Russian consumer.